Saturday 18 January 2020


Lizardfolk, Assassin Rogue 

The sounds of the engine room of the airship are noisy and ear deafening. The rhythmical Hiss of the engine is the only music that can be heard in the dark, warm and soggy room. Hiss…, Hiss, hiss… The spare light rocks above the corridors in the ship. 

A grey scaled skin betrays something went wrong on the day my lounge placed my egg in the nesting ground. The ash and coal of the fires above us transformed me and my fellow hatchling into grey/ black abominations. We didn’t resemble the greenish food sources laying around the nesting ground, at least the were cooked to perfection. 

I am one of the lizardfolk the call me here. A cequalla or viashino. A door the level above me opens, my yellow eye reflects the room. I can smell the fear of the pirate entering the room. I didn’t stay long at the hatching ground. The lack of food made us move in search of a more fertile ground. During the search, my fellow hatchling kept me alive… As we fought for survival, my cunning made me victorious and supplied me with a new source of food…. I left the swamps, shunned because of my grey scales. A insult to the herald of Semuanya. 

This gave me my name: Vultha Kothar… The grey demon. I didn’t stay long at the hatching ground. The lack of food made us move to a more fertile ground, during this period, my hatchling friends kept me alive, as we fought for survival, my cunning made me victorious and supplied me with a new source of food…. I left the swamps and paths crossed.. I became part of a crew of sky pirates. 

They provided me with a source of food and a place to stay, yet the crew of our airship feared my appetites. As I lived with the pirates, I dressed as a pirate to blend in, so I could survive. The Siltz recruited me because of my cunning and my love of human flesh. Money is one thing, making sure a victim disappears is even better. Since my burial they support me with the occasional food source, as long as the target disappears….

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