Friday 20 March 2020


Lizardfolk Barbarian

(Iskren's thoughts) Another Gruul member, this savage warrior has proven himself to be very deadly with his greatsword. His manners are reproachable, but all I need to do is to unleash him in the right direction.

Tuesday 25 February 2020

Taurio Bellios

Minotaur, Champion Fighter
Boros Legionnaire

(Iskren's thoughts) Member of the Boros Legion. Deadly with a greataxe, and does not question instructions given. A useful tool, no doubt.


Aasimar, Light Cleric
Boros Legionnaire

The dice aren't in my favor this evening. I sit here in this inn, losing, but luckily this place makes the best spiced bushstrider stew, so the evening isn't lost. There are a bunch of Boros legionnaires present, and I know that those that take my money now, will give it back to me. 

Nobody wants to get on a Cleric's bad side. Especially if that Cleric is blessed by the angels like I am. Even though I am 25 now, I haven't had the best of luck in the past. My grandfather was a great Boros legionaire, but my mother didn't inherit his battle prowness. My father never rose a rank in the Legion. I now carry my grandfathers weapon, but I will never carry a piece of equipment of my parents. 

They don't deserve the honor of me carrying their gear. Even their death was a disgrace, killed by a fall, not even during battle, but they just fell down. I have my grandfather to thank I was allowed to join the Legion. My grandfather and the Angels of course. 

I was only 15 when I got visited by an angel for the first time. It happened in a dream, the angel revealed itself to me and told me that I have a great destiny ahead of me. When I woke up the next day, the angel had left a keepsake for me. I will never forget my grandfathers words as he told me of the honor I had recieved "Sorval, this can only mean that you are chosen to one day stand among the Warleaders". 

That day was also the anniversary of the death of my parents, but from that day on, their death wasn't important anymore, only the visitation was worth remembering, what happened the year before wasn't important. The blessing of the angel has made me stronger. Even though I am a human, I can see in the dark and my healing is stronger then normal. It is obvious that I am superior to all those of the same age as me in my Legion, and soon I'll soon prove it. 

My battle squadron is lucky to have me. They are stronger then the others of our class, and I can't take all the credit myself. They are strong, together we will raise to the top. There is a commotion outside, time for me to shine.


Triton, Celestial Warlock


I am Mazikeen, I am going to tell you about Amyas because I think you should know. And because he will never tell you, for it is inefficient to dwell on the past.

He was born into a normal triton family, respecting the duty of protecting the lesser species. His father is a great warrior, having risen through the ranks of the Boros guild in order to further our glory. Much like his father before him and his father before him. 

For seven generations, the family has served as my hands and eyes on the plane known as Ravnica. I espied in him the drive and courage that would see him through to a rank that had been out of the grasp of the family for long. He could become… Blade of the Legion. 

But then, could his mother understand the place of the woman in a family and could she see the greater purpose for which I had chosen these men? Non, she could not. So when Amyas had reached his third birthday, she defected, she left. Forsaking the familial unit and quand même leading to the eventual defection of Amyas’ sister Giselle to (of all things) the Gruul. 

At the age of five, Amyas was brought forth for initial testing by the legion and turned out to have an amazing aptitude for spellcraft. So I decided to take matters into my own tentacles and gave him a couple of minor spells. These would help him to obtain outstanding results at the academy. While he was there, he met a pair of other cadettes that seemed of a similar capacity for greatness and was soon grouped with them for the routine exercises. 

As was to be expected, he graduated highest honours. After, he got an interesting first posting, one of many, I am sure. Now all he wants and all he could ever want is to be the world’s greatest, the Blade of the Legion.

Saturday 18 January 2020


Lizardfolk, Assassin Rogue 

The sounds of the engine room of the airship are noisy and ear deafening. The rhythmical Hiss of the engine is the only music that can be heard in the dark, warm and soggy room. Hiss…, Hiss, hiss… The spare light rocks above the corridors in the ship. 

A grey scaled skin betrays something went wrong on the day my lounge placed my egg in the nesting ground. The ash and coal of the fires above us transformed me and my fellow hatchling into grey/ black abominations. We didn’t resemble the greenish food sources laying around the nesting ground, at least the were cooked to perfection. 

I am one of the lizardfolk the call me here. A cequalla or viashino. A door the level above me opens, my yellow eye reflects the room. I can smell the fear of the pirate entering the room. I didn’t stay long at the hatching ground. The lack of food made us move in search of a more fertile ground. During the search, my fellow hatchling kept me alive… As we fought for survival, my cunning made me victorious and supplied me with a new source of food…. I left the swamps, shunned because of my grey scales. A insult to the herald of Semuanya. 

This gave me my name: Vultha Kothar… The grey demon. I didn’t stay long at the hatching ground. The lack of food made us move to a more fertile ground, during this period, my hatchling friends kept me alive, as we fought for survival, my cunning made me victorious and supplied me with a new source of food…. I left the swamps and paths crossed.. I became part of a crew of sky pirates. 

They provided me with a source of food and a place to stay, yet the crew of our airship feared my appetites. As I lived with the pirates, I dressed as a pirate to blend in, so I could survive. The Siltz recruited me because of my cunning and my love of human flesh. Money is one thing, making sure a victim disappears is even better. Since my burial they support me with the occasional food source, as long as the target disappears….


Dragonborn Bard 

My name is Rollo, just Rollo, at the age of 25, I have grown up for a while now and I know one and the other. I love music, entertainment, poems and everything that has to do with art. I am a male-looking dragonborn, and I sometimes enjoy feminine attention. Certainly if they have a beautiful singing voice just like me. 

 I am a member of the Slitz guild and within the guild I am a known Bard. My dish of choice is pork, ... hmmhmm a nice piece of bacon that goes with everything, and cooked or not. To waste time, I like to play on my instrument instruments and sometimes sing a fitting song for my fellow adventurers. But sometimes I also sing songs at the worst moments possible which can lead to bad situations of course. 

With my long red robe, leather pants and purple shirt I am not to be missed in a group.


Tortle Ranger 

Elkon has never been the best… at anything. Sure he’s good enough and is never left behind, but he’s never, ever the best. He despises this fact with a passion. When all his fellow Tortles spread out, he started training as a ranger as he knew none of his fellows would, assuring he would be the BEST ranger. Sadly for him, that ended up not being the case. Plenty of others had much greater talent for his chosen profession then he does, even if they aren’t tortles. 

Slowly but surely Elkon’s dislike for these “naked apes” grew as he lagged behind them, always good but never the best, still never, ever the best. Then he ran into clan Slitz, and he felt at home. There was a little understanding here and even some companionship. The clan accepted him, even if he wasn’t the best, he was good enough for them, and many disliked the ones who are apparently “the best” in their own eyes as well, the city dwellers in their tall buildings. 

Here he was also introduced to the great one, the one he could follow in his attempts to now topple those who claim to be “the best” and who will guide him, to one day be better than all of them, his great new god Ulash. And he will help them deal with the others, the ones who should be taken down, all those none-Gruul. As he now and probably always has been, Gruul.